2023 PreSchool and Junior School Show “Mr Ants and the Great Recycling Adventure”


This Show is great for Preschool and Junior School children alike!
Armed with a bag of re-cycled boxes and objects MisterAnts’ mission is to create a show using the children as the actors. The Show is created entirely from recycyled cardboard, news paper, plastic, tin cans and second hand things lying around… all crafted into simple props, puppets and backdrop panels .

What people are saying!
“Fantastic Show, Very Inspirational” Ballan Primary School
“Both box construction and dramatic play are going to have a whole new renaissance in our room” Kate McCulley – TELC Preschool
” We loved it. Brilliant!” Jan Juc Preschool
“Hilarious! They laughed out loud and were involved from start to finish” Neisha – Sebastopol West Kindergarten